Biblia inasema hivi,
"Yesu alipokuwa akiishi duniani, alitoa dua na maombi kwa kilio kikuu na machozi kwa Mungu ambaye angeweza kumwokoa na kumtoa katika kifo, naye Mungu alimsikia kwa sababu alikuwa mnyenyekevu na mtiifu" (Waebrania 5:7)
Bible inatuambia kila aliyetundikwa msalabani amelaaniwa na mungu.
Katika kumbukumbu la Torati 21:23, Mungu anamwambia Musa kwamba mtu " aliyetundikwa katika mti amelaaniwa na Mungu".
Katika kumbukumbu la taurati 24:16, anasema nini:"mababa wasiuwawe kwa ajili ya watoto wao, wala watoto wasiuawe kwa ajili ya dhambi za baba zao.KILA MTU AUWAWE KWA DHAMBI ZAKE MWENYEWE"
Biblia pia inasema:
Numbers 23:19"God is not a man, so He does not lie. He is not human, so He does not change His mind. Has He ever spoken and failed to act? Has He ever promised and not carried it through?"
Quran tukufu inasema hivi,"Na kwa kauli yao kuwa: ‘Tumemuua Yesu mwana wa Maryamu, Mtume wa Mwenyezi Mungu’. Hakika ni kuwa hawakumuua wala hawakumsulubu, lakini walishabihishiwa kwao. Wale wanaotofautiana katika hilo wako katika shaka wala hawana ilimu ya uhakika kuhusu hilo, wanafuata tu dhana. Hakika ni kuwa hawakumuua".
"Bali Mwenyezi Mungu Alimnyanyua Kwake, na hakika Mwenyezi Mungu ni Mwenye nguvu, Mwenye hikima". [An-Nisaa: 157-158]
Today's Christianity holds that Jesus was crucified to ransom people and save them from their sins, whether original or acquired. Christians believe that the crucifixion of Jesus is the guarantee of their salvation. To disprove this belief, here are some evidences:
1. There is no logical relationship whatsoever between crucifixion and salvation. How can the crucifixion of X erase the sins of Y?!
2. Crucifixion for salvation contradicts God's justice. Why should one be crucified in order to redeem another one?!
3. What saves you is your deeds, not the crucifixion or hanging of another one whoever he might be.
4. In the previous Groups, we presented many evidences against original sin. Since the original-sin theory is not true, as proved before, salvation by crucifixion is also not true. Disproving original sin implies disproving salvation by crucifixion, because the latter is based on the former. Christianity assumes that Jesus' crucifixion occurred to save man from his original sin. With the collapse of the original-sin theory, salvation by crucifixion collapses as well.
5. Jesus asserted the everlasting Fire (Matt. 25:41). This Fire contradicts salvation by crucifixion. If Jesus ransomed man and redeemed him of his sins, why the Fire then?! If some people will go to the Fire, where is salvation by crucifixion?! If you say that sinners should go to the Fire, then what was redemption from if not from sins?!
6. Jesus said, ' Not everyone that says unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven, but he that DOES the will of my Father." (Matt. 27 :21). Here Jesus stipulates obedience to God as a condition to entering Paradise. In other words, you enter Paradise by your good deeds, not by Jesus' crucifixion. Jesus has made it as clear as it may be: salvation is by obedience to God. He did not mention any crucifixion as a means to salvation.
7. Jesus said, "Whosoever speaks against the Holy Ghost, it shall not be forgiven him, neither in this world, neither in the world to come." (Matt. 12:32). Jesus says that liars against Gabriel will not be forgiven on the Day of Resurrection. So there will be sinners awaiting punishment on that day. Where is that so-called universal salvation then?! They say that Jesus, by offering himself on the cross, saved man. But we are told here by Jesus himself that there will be people who are not saved!!
8. Jesus said, "God shall reward every man according to his works." (Matt. 16:27). This statement
negates both the original-sin theory and the salvation 朾y -crucifixion theory. What saves you is your works, nothing else
9. Jesus said, "Thy Father which sees in secret himself shall reward you openly." (Matt. 6:4). Jesus here asserts the reward-punishment principle, which contradicts salvation by crucifixion. Some people are
rewarded and some are punished according to their deeds. Where is the so-called salvation by crucifixion
than?! If people are held responsible by God for their deeds, there is no place for salvation except through deeds.
10. Jesus said, "Woe unto that man by whom the son of man is betrayed!" (Matt. 26:24). Jesus said this as a
warning to one of his disciples who would lead soldiers to seize him. If crucifixion is for salvation and if
crucifixion happened with the willingness or Jesus as they claim, why then is there woe for the betrayer?! That betrayer should have been thanked because he facilitated Jesus' fulfillment of his mission, i.e.,
crucifixion for salvation. Jesus' warning, in fact, proves that the would-be crucifixion was a conspiracy against Jesus and not one of his planned objectives. Jesus never wanted to be crucified neither for salvation nor for any other purpose or reason. As for the road to salvation, Jesus told his people that they would be saved through obedience to God and there was NO other alternative. This is what all prophets conveyed to man: salvation through piety.
11. In that night of arrest, Jesus was very sorrowful (Matt. 26:38) and prayed asking God to save him from his enemies, "0 my Father, if it be possible, let this cup pass from me." (Matt. 26:39). Had crucifixion been Jesus' goal, he would not have asked God to save him from his enemies. Jesus himself asked God to save him. And God in fact accepted Jesus' request and saved him from his enemies. Salvation by crucifixion did not happen, simply because crucifixion itself did not happen and because salvation can never be attained by crucifixion to begin with.
12. The theory of salvation by crucifixion holds that Jesus offered himself willingly to be crucified to save and ransom humanity. If so, why did he say on the cross, "My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?" (Matt. 27:46)?! This shout of Jesus proves that he did not want to be crucified, not for any reason, not for the salvation of anyone.
13. The salvation-by-crucifixion theory encourages sinning because the theory claims that Jesus' crucifixion has saved sinners and paved their way to Paradise! They have guaranteed Paradise by Jesus' blood and nothing remains for them to do except, if necessary, to believe that Jesus has actually saved them!! Believe and you are saved, no matter what you do!! The Saviour has offered his blood for your sake! This strange theory claims that you are saved whether you like it or not, whether you
deserve it or not, whether you are good or bad, whether you are a good man or a devil in the shape of man!! This theory makes the Day of Judgment a waste of time and makes the Fire a needless empty place.
14. If salvation is secured by Jesus' crucifixion, why did men like Paul come after Jesus, according to the church?! What was the need for Paul if universal redemption had already been achieved by Jesus?!
15. Jesus said, "But those mine enemies, which would not that I should reign over them, bring hither, and
SLAY them before me." (Luke 19:27).We do not want to discuss the contradiction between this text and what Jesus said, "Blessed are the peace-makers." (Matt. 5:9). HOW can he order a massacre and bless peace-makers?! Why did Jesus order to slay disbelievers if he would save them by his crucifixion?! Why would he slay them If he came to save them?! Did he come to save believers only?!
Believers do not need his crucifixion to be saved because their belief can save them. Did he come to save those who did not need him for their salvation?! One expects that he came to save those who would not be saved except through his crucifixion if crucifixion has to have a function. But, unfortunately, it came up that crucifixion cannot save the unsaved; it only saves those already saved! This means that crucifixion has actually no function whatsoever.
16. When Jesus felt the approach of the plot against him in that night of arrest, he said to his disciples, "He that has no sword, let him sell his garment, and buy one," (Luke 22:36). Why buy a sword? For resistance. Why resistance?! The church says that he offered himself willingly to be crucified to save man. But the text here shows that Jesus is preparing swords to resist his arrest. The only possible explanation, within the church story, is that Jesus was arrested and crucified against his will, which implies that the whole theory of salvation by crucifixion is false and groundless.
17. "For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son." (John 3:16).The text says that God offered His only son to crucifixion because God loved the world. There is no relation of any kind between crucifying X and saving Y. The relationship between crucifixion and salvation is simply zero; it is like the relation between metal expansion and silent reading. The human mind fails to see such a relation because it does not exist in the first place. He who wants salvation should work for it by obedience to God; he does not simply wait for someone's crucifixion! Further, if God loves the world so much, He should have loved "His only son" more or at least equally! If He loves His son, how did He send him onto the cross mercilessly and unfairly?! Jesus had committed no major sins or crimes which required crucifixion!
18. Crucifying Jesus for the sake of others is unfair to Jesus especially when no major sin is involved. As the gospels report, God sent Jesus onto the cross, not out of punishment for a sin or crime which he committed, but merely to save others. This is surely an act of injustice done to Jesus! Since God is the Just, this crucifixion of Jesus could not take place. There is a clear contradiction between Gods's justice and Jesus' crucifixion.
19. What was Jesus' sin which sent him onto the cross?! What was he crucified for? Adam ate from that
tree, and God punished him, and the case was over. Why was the case alive again after thousands of years?! One eats and another is crucified!! Why punish Jesus for Adam's sin?! Should Jesus be crucified to send people to Paradise?! The tragic story was not well thought out!! Its incidents lack the minimal limit of connection. There is no logical link between the sin of Adam and the crucifixion of Jesus, nor between the crucifixion of Jesus and the salvation of man.
20. Why is all that roundabout way?! God is able to save people without that unfair, horrible; and humiliating debacle of innocent Jesus.
21. Jesus had said to God before the soldiers came to arrest him, "Father, SAVE ME from this hour." (John 12:27). That Jesus asked God to save him from the arrest proves that the so-called crucifixion was not with his own will. If the church story had been true, Jesus would have asked God to be arrested, not to be saved.
22. Paul says, "God will render to every man according to his deeds." (Romans 2:6). He also says, "And thinkest thou this ... that thou shall escape the judgment of God." (Romans 2:3). If everyone will be judged by God according to his deeds, what was the.crucifixion of Jesus for?! Judgment by deeds contradicts salvation by crucifixion. The first means that you are saved by your good deeds whereas the second means that you are saved by Jesus' sacrifice.
23. The church is not clear on who was saved by Jesus' crucifixion. Usually it repeats that his crucifixion
is an expiation for the sins of ALL humans; just believe in his crucifixion and you are saved. But Paul says
something different, "For the remission of sins that are PAST." (Romans 3:25). According to Paul, the crucifixion of Jesus washed off sins BEFORE his crucifixion. In other words, salvation was retroactive and not proactive. This means that salvation applies only to people 'Iiving at and before the time of Jesus, but not to people living after Jesus. So salvation through that crucifixion is not applicable to the millions of Christians who were born after the crucifixion of Jesus.
24. If people are already saved by the crucifixion of Jesus, they do not need to believe in God or prophets or Jesus. If salvation has already been guaranteed, what is faith or good deeds for?'
25. The New Testament is not clear on how salvation is achieved nor on who is included. Paul, the founder of Christianity, is skeptic as well. He says, "God delivered him up for us all" (Romans 8:32). But he also says, "of sins that are PAST." (Romans 3:25). Are the saved ALL or the PAST sinners only?! Later, more conditions are added for salvation, "Confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus and shall believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shall be saved." (Romans 10:9). His crucifixion is not enough for your salvation; you must believe in him and in his resurrection, i.e., two more conditions! Later, Paul changes his mind and says, "Whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved." (RomanS 10:13): no need for belief in his resurrection; just call upon Jesus and you are saved. So Paul has at least five contradictory stories about salvation: salvation of PAST sins only, salvation of ALL,
automatic salvation, salvation conditioned by the belief in the resurrection of Jesus, and salvation by calling upon Jesus. Paul is not sure who would benefit from the crucifixion of Jesus, nor is he sure of the means to salvation.
26. Paul says that you are saved by merely calling upon the name of the Lord (Romans 10:13). Here salvation is attained without the crucifixion of Jesus. What was he crucified then for?!
27. Paul says that you are saved if you believe in Jesus and his resurrection (Romans 10:9). Here again, salvation is achieved without the crucifixion of Jesus.
28. Paul says, "The doers of the law shall be justified." (Romans 2:13). Here you are saved by your deeds, not by the crucifixion of Jesus. If so, why was
Jesus crucified?!
29. Paul says, "Every man shall receive his own reward according to his own LABOR." (1 Corinthians 3:8).
Thus salvation is by good labor, not by fixing Jesus on the cross. This statement of Paul undermines all the Christian theory of crucifixion for salvation.
30. Unfortunately, the New Testament is not clear on why Jesus was crucified. Paul said, "For the remission of sins that are PAST." (Romans 3:25). But later, he changed his opinion and extended his phrase to "Christ died for OUR sins." (1 Corinthians 15:3). The former involves PAST sins only whereas the latter involves ALL sins of ALL humans without time restrictions. A big difference between the two!!
31. The New Testament is not clear on how Jesus was crucified and under what circumstances. There are two Paulian contradictory stories. The first story says that "God delivered him up for us all." (Romans 8:32) and "God gave his only begotten son." (John3:16). This implies that the crucifixion of Jesus took a form of sacrifice accepted voluntarily by Jesus. But the second story goes in the opposite direction: "He was crucified through weakness." (2 Corinthians 2:4). This implies that he was crucified forcibly out of his weakness, which means that his crucifixion has no role or function. Paul, by this 'statement, whether intentionally or not, undermines all the crucifixion-for-salvation theory.
32. Paul says, "Christ has redeemed us from the curse of the law, being made a curse for us: for it is written, cursed is everyone that hangeth on a tree." (Galatians 3:13). Here the salvation is from the curse of the LAW, not from sin! Jesus is cursed because crucified!! If cursed, he himself needs to be saved! How can Jesus be a saviour when he himself needs a saviour?! How can he be cursed and be a saviour at the same time?!
33. Paul says, "For in Jesus Christ neither circumcision availeth anything, nor uncircumcision; but faith which works by love." (Galatians 5:6). Here what saves man is loving faith, not the crucifixion of Jesus as
34. Paul says, "Whatsoever a man sows, he shall-also reap." (Galatians 6:7). If so, what was Jesus crucified for?! The sow-reap principle makes Jesus' crucifixion unnecessary, functionless, and with no purpose.
35. Paul says, "By GRACE you are saved." (Ephesians 2'5), If by grace, why was the innocent Jesus crucified?! What for?! Salvation by grace undermines salvation by the crucifixion of Jesus,
36. James says, "Faith without works is dead." (James 2:20), Here salvation is by faith and works, not by the
crucifixion of Jesus.
37. Paul says, "He that does wrong shall receive for the wrong he has done." (Colossians 3:25). Again this
emphasizes the sow-reap principle, which contradicts and negates salvation by the crucifixion of Jesus. If the wrong-doer will be punished, why was Jesus crucified?! Unnecessarily!
38. Paul says, "In whom we have redemption through his BLOOD, even the forgiveness of sins." (Colossians 1:14). Jesus, as well-known, was crucified, not slain, and hence no blood ran out according to Matthew, Luke, and Mark. If blood is essential for redemption, then no redemption took place because no blood was caused to flow, according to three gospels out of four! Besides, forgiveness by the blood of Jesus contradicts the sow reap principle adopted by Paul himself (Galatians 6:7).
39. Paul says, "Christ has given himself for us an offering and a sacrifice to God for a sweet smelling savor." (Ephesians 5:2). Here Jesus offered himself as a sacrifice. What for if the sinful have still to be punished for their sins?! Besides, Jesus did not offer himself voluntarily and willingly; Paul himself said that Jesus was crucified through weakness, i.e., forcibly and unwillingly (2 Corinthians 2:4). We must also remember Jesus' reproach to God for forsaking him there on the cross (Matt. 27:46), which disproves the voluntary-offering story.
40. Paul said, "Who shall be punished with everlasting destruction." (2 Thessalonians 1:9). If punishment is awaiting the sinful, the crucifixion of Jesus was in vain. If the sinful are to punished for their sins and the righteous are rewarded for their good deeds, what was the alleged crucifixion of Jesus for?!! The New-Testament writers were never clear or consistent concerning crucifixion or salvation.
41.If salavation by crucifixtion saves one from the sin than why to repent for forgiveness as said in luke 24:47
"...and that repentance for forgiveness of sins would be proclaimed in His name to all the nations, beginning from Jerusalem." this again disproves the salavation by crucifixtion,you have to repent for forgiveness not salavation by crucifiction
In conclusion, to begin with, there is no trace of any logical relationship between salvation and crucifixion. The New Testament includes scores of texts indicating that salvation is attained by faith, good deeds, and obedience to God. Further, many Biblical texts emphasize the sow-reap principle, which contradicts the salvation-by-crucifixion theory. There are also many Biblical texts that assert that the sinful will be punished, which proves that the alleged salvation did not take place through the alleged crucifixion of Jesus.
We do also notice that salvation by crucifixion is not mentioned in the Old Testament, nor by any prophet before or after Jesus, nor by Jesus himself. This salvation-by-crucifixion is one of the groundless innovations of the church initiated by Paul, who has often strongly contradicted himself on many occasions concerning both salvation and crucifixion, as shown in the previous discussion.
In brief, every neutral and Objective person can easily see that the reasonable way to salvation is faith in God and obedience to Him. This fabricated theory of crucifixion for redemption does NOT convince objective fair human minds. God does not need the crucifixion of Jesus, nor does Jesus deserve it, nor will people be saved by it.
Na Quran Inatuambia,
Na kwa kusema kwao: Sisi tumemuua Masihi Yesu mwana wa Maryam, Mtume wa Mwenyezi Mungu, wala hawakumuua wala hawakumsalibu, bali walifananishiwa. Na kwa hakika wale waliokhitalifiana katika haya wamo katika shaka nayo. Wao hawana ujuzi juu yake, isipokuwa wanafuata dhana tu. Na hawakumuua kwa yakini.
(Qur'ani 4.157)
Wataalamu wa Biblia wa nchi za magharibi wa sasa baada ya uchunguzi wanakubali ukweli huu wa Qur'ani. Na Qur'ani iliteremshwa kwa mtu asiyejua kusoma wala kuandika miaka elfu moja na mia nne iliyopita.
Nawaomba Ndugu Zangu na nyie Mfanye Research Kuhusu Swala Hili.